79 is the new 29?

What was that?

79 is the new 29?

Did you see the article in Men’s health on Clarence Bass and his advice around exercise and aging?

if you did not, it is worth the read – if you are aging and want some factual info around exercise and being active (that would be most of us!).

Not exactly revolutionary advice, but in direct contrast to much of the popular advice on exercise intensity and frequency.

A quick summary:

  • A student of exercise programs for 30+ years
  • Gets checked at Cooper Institute every 2 months on Vo2 max and basic physiological metrics.
  • Suggests being active everyday.
  • Feeling progress towards a goal is when we feel best.
  • 1 weekly weight lifting session. (not necessary to lift heavy weights, but does recommend lifting at a good intensity.)
  • 1 significant hike per week for a total of 2 workouts per week.(in additional to daily walks or preferred activity)
  • A health diet that he enjoys, focused on performance rather than comfort.
  • A proponent of embracing aging, and making it work (as opposed to avoiding or ignoring)

What you will notice is that Mr. Bass prescribes will not take you to the gym 5 days per week, or push for 3 hour workouts.

Have  a look .

Here is to healthy aging.

let me know what you think

Greg Lawlor

PS : Here is the link to the article for your review:  http://bit.ly/2tks9Wg



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