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Lesson from LA – 8 takeaways from the fitness industry’s largest gathering of leaders

Last week the fitness industry’s top conference ( and trade show took place in LA. (first visit to LA – it sure is a busy place!).

As part of our work at STAK Fitness, and because we work with so many different folks offering fitness services , it is critical that we get a glimpse of how the industry is changing/not changing, and perhaps be able to transfer some best practices for the benefit of many.

Here are the top 8 takeaways from this conference.

        1. Small group training will continue to evolve and grow as part of fitness offerings.  More affordable with guaranteed results for paying customers is a great win win for a business offering fitness.  Best practices are being developed, and companies like TRXTraining and Total Gym (more info at are leading the way.

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What I learned in Atlantic Canada Last Week.

We brought a team (myself, Robert Piaskowski – STAK’s Government Program Director, and  Precor’s Todd Allison) to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia to support the Grand Opening and launch of Everything Fitness as the preferred commercial fitness resource for Atlantic Canada.

We learned some pretty valuable lessons in 3 days, I thought you may enjoy 15 of them.

1.  There are not many places as beautiful as Atlantic Canada on clear, sunny days.

2.  The people of Atlantic Canada are as hospitable as you will ever find ( I knew that before last week, but it is always amazing to experience it).

3.  Fitness offerings in Atlantic Canada are going through a time of change, like in all other regions of Canada (and the world for that matter).

4.  Doug Wigg can really belt out a tune.

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Fitness Leadership lessons at 2am?

By Greg Lawlor

Over the last number of years, I have noticed that fitness leaders are quick to speak out against infomercials promoting the latest fitness recipe for success. Much of this criticism has merit, as many of the products promoted and sold this way promote “easy fixes” and the solutions are not necessarily innovative.Many of the products sold this way are not the most revolutionary and some many years ago out and out misled people.

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Fit Essential Results

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe”. Anatole France

Fitness business start-ups, or established companies planning a fresh start, often begin with great new product and service ideas, but that is only the beginning.

Building a successful business or career requires a unique combination of skills and hands on experience.
FITessential Results bridge the gap between your ideas, experience, ambitions and the pitfalls of trial and error with achieving significant and sustainable results.

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You Are A Warrior!

Overall, I think we are society that is very hard on ourselves. We, most often don’t take the time to give ourselves some credit. Most of us live a busy life, with lots of things pulling us in many directions. We often put those in the public eye on a pedestal. Let’s take a minute