Do what you love!
Growing up I dreamed like most boys, of playing professional hockey. It seemed like the ultimate way to make a living, playing a sport that you loved.I never thought of doing anything else until I realized that even if I did play, it would be for a short time.
The concept of doing what I loved led me to teaching Physical Education. The idea of working with young people in a sports/activity environment played a major influence in deciding what to major in University. I distinctly remember a few choices made – and the deciding influence taught by my parents was – “do what you think you will enjoy”. In fact, this advice was always followed by “be the very best you can at what you choose”.
Great advice, and in mid-life, I can honestly say that it has served me well. As my work, my environment and my peers have changed over the years, I can say that I have always followed the path of doing what I enjoy.
With experience, I also developed the ability to significantly influence who I work with, the conditions I worked under and control over my professional life. This influence has evolved from being passionate about doing what I enjoy, and always learning something new. No one ever said that doing what you love would be easy, in fact staying on that path is not easy at all.
Today, I am fuelled by not only doing what I love, but by also helping others do the same.
Who would have thought that following a simple rule of “do what you love” and “do it very well” would serve me so well. Many kids have that thought from an early age.
We need to make sure we are reinforcing the concept that “doing what you love” is not a dream at all!
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