You Are A Warrior!

Overall, I think we are society that is very hard on ourselves. We, most often don’t take the time to give ourselves some credit.

Most of us live a busy life, with lots of things pulling us in many directions.

We often put those in the public eye on a pedestal.  Let’s take a minute to give you some credit. You are a warrior. Read More..

The Evolution Of The Trainer

The role and expectation of the fitness consultant personal trainer, the fitness leader, the fitness coach has changed quite a bit over the years.

In the late 1970’s to 1990’s, the fitness consultant was responsible to explaining the pre-set program the organization had in place. The workout program was pretty much the same for all customers. The customization revolved very few variables to manipulate. Most often, resistance was the variable as well as length of workout session. The repetitions stayed the same, as did the speed and type of movement. The regimen involved a warm up, some flexibility but mostly strength training and steady state cardio sessions. Read More..

Thinking Differently About Solutions- Not A Simple Process

In speaking with many, many fitness operators across the country, one of the biggest barriers we see to progress is thinking differently about a solution to a problem.

let’s define that a little. Problems, challenge, obstacles to growth and sustainably offering fitness are all around us.  To create solutions that work for your organization requires one thing first: Read More..